Category: Writing

The Most Misspelled Word in the English Language

Like a lot of people, I often make spelling mistakes and the fact that I rely so much on the Microsoft Word spell check facility probably ensures that my spelling will always be a cause for concern. Sometimes though, especially when I am jotting down notes in a text file, I do not have a…

Writers Beware: Tony Giangregorio

It’s a big, bad world out there and there is always someone willing to screw you over if you allow them the chance. I just visited a blog where a warning has been posted about a guy named Tony Giangregorio. Apparently he’s got quite a reputation for taking other people’s work, giving it a nifty…

Available to Read Online at Every Day Fiction: Scott Is

My flash fiction story “Scott Is” is now online at Every Day Fiction and I am delighted by the amount of positive comments have been made about the story. If you want to check it out, here is a link

Black Treacle Magazine: A New Paying Market

Black Treacle is a new magazine edited by A. P. Matlock. The first issue came out earlier this month and can be read online at the Black Treacle website or can be downloaded, for free, in a choice of formats, including Kindle, e-pub, Kobo and Nook. Issue #1 contains five short stories. The first one…

Story Accepted for Publication

Every Day Fiction have just accepted my story “Scott is” and it will be probably be published sometime within the next couple of months.

Duotrope to Scrap Free Market Listings at the End of the Month

Duotrope have just announced that they will be ditching most of their free features in the new year. After that you will need to pay a subscription of $5 a month if you want to be able to search their listings or use their submission tracker. So if you use their system to track your…

Learn How to Write a Fairytale

Most days I receive am email from Squidoo that contains a link to their lens of the day, and nearly every day I delete the emails without even following the link. Sometimes though, my curiosity gets gets the better of me. Yesterday’s lens of the day was about writing fairy tales. I’ve never written a…

A Long Time Coming

Today I received an email informing me that one of my short horror stories has been rejected. I just updated my database and realized that I submitted the story in December 2009. It seems a long time to have to wait for a rejection, but I’ve had stories that have been out for two or…

An edit a day keeps the mistakes at bay

Still editing my vampire novelette. It seems to be taking forever, but it is surprising how many mistakes I have found. Mind you, if I go through it again, after I have already supposedly got it right, I bet I will find even more that I have missed. Such is life. I am reading Dean…

Gunslinger – WoW!

Finished the Gunslinger. If you haven’t read it, then I can recommend it. It’s very good. The guy has a real distinctive way of talking, I have got to say. But then, it is a Stephen King so I knew it would be good. _________________________________________________________ I’ve finished plotting my sea level graphs and have got my…