Category: Uncategorized

The Art of Steampunk

Every now and a again when I am looking at submission guidelines I come across the phrase ‘steampunk’ and have never been too sure what it is. Today I did a spot of Googling and now have a better understanding of what may or may not be classed as steampunk. While I was surfing I…

Christopher Lee’s Birthday Rock

Christopher Lee is 91 today and still working hard. He still makes an average of three films each year and has already begun to fill his diary for 2014, when he will play Saruman in The Hobbit: There and Back Again. This year he marks his birthday by releasing a heavy metal album: Charlemagne: The…

Gnomes with Attitude!

I love the new IKEA “gnomes” advert. It could almost be scary if it wasn’t so funny. If you haven’t seen it, now is your chance . . .

Utopia TV Series is the Best

I missed the last episode of Utopia, so I have just watched it on 4oD. It’s one the best series I have seen in a long time and I will miss it now it is finished. The way it ended they could easily make a second series, but there have been some complaints made to…

R. I. P. Dark Discussions Horror Forum

After careful consideration I have taken down Dark Discussions Horror Forum. It no longer had any active members—not even me!—so it was use to neither man nor beast. The Spammers seemed to love it though, and that only caused me more work. The final straw came when I tried to make the site conform to…

Anthony Mason Interviews Dean Koontz

Dean Koontz has sold over 400 million books, but he rarely does TV interviews. This one with Anthony Mason is pretty good. It’s worth watching it just to see the size of Dean Koontz’s personal library.

50% Off Most ebooks in ChiZine’s Black Friday Sale

I received an email from ChiZine today. They are having a Black Friday sale, and the sale is going to keep on keeping on until 26th November. Why are they having a sale? Apparently it’s because… ‘The day after Thanksgiving is the most violent, soul-darkening, and mind-twisting shopping day of the year. The frenzied fray…

Stephen W. Parsons Singing Instead of Howling

If you have seen Howling II you will no doubt remember that there was a punk group in the film. The name of the group was Babel and Stephen W. Parsons played the lead singer. Parsons also wrote the soundtrack for the film and, according to IMDb he has since written the soundtracks for another…

Another One Bites The Dust

How many small press markets have you seen come and go? Too many I’m willing to bet. Well, Murky Depths can be added the list. Issue #18 is the last one, folks. The print magazine may have folded, but the Murky Depths team still plan on publishing paperback books and graphic novels under their House…

Rare Footage of Bela Lugosi

I was just surfing a few Bela Lugosi links and I found this photograph of him from back in 1955: It was taken just before he was voluntarily committed to the state hospital for treatment as a chronic user of narcotics for sedation. I followed a few more links and found some rare footage of…