Category: Reading

A Complete List of E. F. Benson’s Ghost Stories (Probably)

Time flies. January is almost over and this is my first post of the year. Despite my best intentions Blog from the Darkside might be better named The Forgotten Blog. Never mind I have added a lot of new content to A Passion for Horror. At the moment I am very busy with the public…

A Real Life Amazon Kindle Horror Story

I’ve just read a rather shocking story about Amazon closing someone’s account, without any warning, and then wiping all of the books from her kindle. Why? That’s a very good question. The lady in question wanted to know that as well so she emailed Amazon to try and find out. Several emails later she is…

The Screaming Skull

I’ve just been reading one of F. Marion Crawford’s short stories. It’s called The Screaming Skull and at the end of the story there is a note that says that it was inspired by the real life legend of the screaming skull at Bettiscombe Manor. I have been familiar with the legend for many years…

Daughter of Darkness

I received an email from Amazon today:‘ As someone who has purchased or rated books by Virginia Andrews, you might like to know that Daughter of Darkness will be released on 1 November 2010… I have indeed read a couple of her books Flowers in the Attic and Petals on the Wind. But Virginia Andrews died…

Not Only A Bargain, But A Damn Good Read Too!

I’ve started reading a new book today – Nocturnes by John Connolly. I’d never even heard of him until last week saw the book in a charity shop and liked the cover so picked it up and took a look. It was only £1, and, when I looked inside it, it was a signed 1st…

Reading, Reading, Reading …

We may be having a bit of a heatwave, here in the UK, but I’m stil reading chillers – Graham Masterton’s Snowman and The Terror, to be exact. Actually it is 2 books bound into one volume. They are part of his Rook Series (books 2+3). I’ve never read the first one yet, so I…

The Boy’s Lost Interest

It’s no good. I give up. I just can’t work up any interest in Lovecraft. H.P. sauce, perhaps, but H.P lovecraft has had his chips – for now anyway. I have been reading a Graham Masterton instead. Talking of things lost. The Lost Boys was on the T.V. last night. I’ve got it on video somewhere,…

Still Reading H. P. Lovecraft

Well, I am still reading Lovecraft (and no it isn’t a text book for rebellious virgins). H.P. Lovecraft has been credited with inventing the modern horror tradition. I know. It says so on the back of my book. The thing is reading some of Lovecraft’s work has been on my to-do-list for quite some time….

From A Demon Seed to Lovecraft

I finished reading Demon Seed, yesterday. There was a lot of hidden depth to it, but I can’t say that it was on of my all time favourite Dean Koontz novels. I may hunt out the original version sometime, though, and try that. As I have never read any of Lovecraft’s works – crazy aint…

An edit a day keeps the mistakes at bay

Still editing my vampire novelette. It seems to be taking forever, but it is surprising how many mistakes I have found. Mind you, if I go through it again, after I have already supposedly got it right, I bet I will find even more that I have missed. Such is life. I am reading Dean…