Black Treacle Magazine: A New Paying Market

Black Treacle is a new magazine edited by A. P. Matlock. The first issue came out earlier this month and can be read online at the Black Treacle website or can be downloaded, for free, in a choice of formats, including Kindle, e-pub, Kobo and Nook. Issue #1 contains five short stories. The first one…

Story Accepted for Publication

Every Day Fiction have just accepted my story “Scott is” and it will be probably be published sometime within the next couple of months.

Utopia TV Series is the Best

I missed the last episode of Utopia, so I have just watched it on 4oD. It’s one the best series I have seen in a long time and I will miss it now it is finished. The way it ended they could easily make a second series, but there have been some complaints made to…

R. I. P. Dark Discussions Horror Forum

After careful consideration I have taken down Dark Discussions Horror Forum. It no longer had any active members—not even me!—so it was use to neither man nor beast. The Spammers seemed to love it though, and that only caused me more work. The final straw came when I tried to make the site conform to…

A Complete List of E. F. Benson’s Ghost Stories (Probably)

Time flies. January is almost over and this is my first post of the year. Despite my best intentions Blog from the Darkside might be better named The Forgotten Blog. Never mind I have added a lot of new content to A Passion for Horror. At the moment I am very busy with the public…

Duotrope to Scrap Free Market Listings at the End of the Month

Duotrope have just announced that they will be ditching most of their free features in the new year. After that you will need to pay a subscription of $5 a month if you want to be able to search their listings or use their submission tracker. So if you use their system to track your…

A Real Life Amazon Kindle Horror Story

I’ve just read a rather shocking story about Amazon closing someone’s account, without any warning, and then wiping all of the books from her kindle. Why? That’s a very good question. The lady in question wanted to know that as well so she emailed Amazon to try and find out. Several emails later she is…

Anthony Mason Interviews Dean Koontz

Dean Koontz has sold over 400 million books, but he rarely does TV interviews. This one with Anthony Mason is pretty good. It’s worth watching it just to see the size of Dean Koontz’s personal library.

Learn How to Write a Fairytale

Most days I receive am email from Squidoo that contains a link to their lens of the day, and nearly every day I delete the emails without even following the link. Sometimes though, my curiosity gets gets the better of me. Yesterday’s lens of the day was about writing fairy tales. I’ve never written a…

50% Off Most ebooks in ChiZine’s Black Friday Sale

I received an email from ChiZine today. They are having a Black Friday sale, and the sale is going to keep on keeping on until 26th November. Why are they having a sale? Apparently it’s because… ‘The day after Thanksgiving is the most violent, soul-darkening, and mind-twisting shopping day of the year. The frenzied fray…